The waves will continue to crash down on you even if you fight them or try with all your might to stand strong.
The more we fight the more tired and worn out we will become.
Why fight?
Why wrestle?
Learning to go with the rhythm of the waves is not an easy task and yet, when you submit to it you can relax and enjoy the ocean’s beauty.
From my journal today:
Am I messing up God?
Am I screwing this life up?
My heart feels like I might be just a little. I am trying to keep it all at a distance… because then I do not have to trust.
How do I get past my issues? How do I get to the point where I am okay? How do I fully figure out this brokenness inside of me?
Fighting against the waves is draining. If I would just relax into the rhythm of my life then I would be less stressed, beat up and exhausted.
Like the rocks on the coast… beaten until they are smoothed by the waves. We have no choice but to surrender and allow the shaping to take place.
As I wrestle with my own words this morning I am reminded that this journey is not simple. This journey is not easy. And yet, so often we fight for what we think we deserve. We fight for recognition. We fight to be heard. We fight because we do not know how to relax.
And yet, fighting leaves us tired, worn out and exhausted.
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 The Message
Just like the unforced rhythms of grace we must first submit to them before we can enjoy His peace and presence. We must first lay down our fight and then we can sit and be still. The longing in our hearts and souls will never be filled by fighting for what we are longing for in this life. We must surrender it all to Him and allow Him to take us where we do not even know He is taking us right now.
My eyes have been clouded by my longing. My focus has been on filling the emptiness inside with a longing and the truth is that only He can fill the void. When we take our eyes off what we want and place our hand into His we can be free to enjoy the journey with less stress, anxiety and apprehension.
I’ll choose to believe that sometimes the happiest ending isn’t the one you keep longing for but, something you absolutely cannot see from where you are. -Shauna Niequist
It can be so hard to see past what you are dealing with right now today. But, when we step back and release it all to the One who knows what is best for us we can then learn to relax into the beauty of right now.
The post Waves of Grace appeared first on Ronel Sidney.